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Pump Cycle

In an aeroponics tower, a pump cycle refers to the process of pumping nutrient-rich water and oxygen to the roots of plants in the tower.

The pump cycle is controlled by a timer, which determines how often the water and oxygen are delivered to the roots. The frequency of the pump cycle can vary depending on the type of plants being grown and their specific needs.

Typically, the roots are misted with water for 15-20 minutes, but this can be adjusted based on the growth stage of the plants, temperature and humidity of the environment. The pump cycle plays a crucial role in ensuring healthy plant growth by providing optimal hydration and oxygenation to the roots.

With Timer Switch

Table of nutrients and Tds

Example - If there is a summer season and temp is above 35°C, then timer is set for 20 min on at each hour i.e off for 40 min. likewise in night it should be on for 10 min and off for 2 hours.

Without Timer Switch

Table of nutrients and Tds
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